
Different Types of Education Degrees

criminal justice degrees

Finding the right degree program is tough, and so is thinking about the future. But at Webber International, we offer a range of degree programs and outline our courses simply.

Named as the “Best in the Southeast” we pride ourselves as having a diverse college cohort, with students from over 48 different nations. Based in Florida, we are often among the top choices from Georgia, Carolina and Tennessee.

Here are three programs we offer, and the types of careers they can lead to.

Healthcare Administration 

The importance of hospitals is highlighted by the current pandemic, and healthcare professionals are needed more than ever.

A degree in healthcare administration will take you into entry or mid-level management for hospitals, medical clinics and government health agencies.

The program includes studying the structure of healthcare and the cultural, legal and environmental factors that can influence health. This course is career orientated and will prepare you for management at all levels.


We offer teaching degrees that cover elementarymiddle grade and special needs learning.

All courses focus on the age range in question but combine an understanding of the psychology of learning. At the heart of all our education majors is the importance of providing individuals with skills they will use in the classroom – including curriculum planning and data management.

Students on these courses will become education specialists, school psychologists, and of course, teachers in their chosen fields.

Criminal Justice

Fancy yourself as a crime scene investigator?

We offer many programs in the criminal justice field, and our criminology degree programs will teach you the skills needed for law enforcement at the local, county, state and federal level. Our Criminal Justice Management program combines Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts core courses, making it a unique type of course.

All programs are taught by current or retired law enforcement officers with over twenty years of experience.

Choosing a degree path is complicated, but hopefully, this has made it simpler.