Webber International University is proud to announce its new Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. The BSN Program admits two cohorts each year. Admission into the program will occur in the Fall and Spring.
The Pre-licensure BSN program is 4 years in length and occurs in two stages. The first stage requires students to apply to and be accepted to Webber International University. Students will take fifty (50) semester/credit hours of lower-division work (general education and nursing prerequisites). You can complete the lower division semester/credit hours at any regionally accredited college or university. The second phase will require students to apply to and be accepted to the core curriculum of the nursing program. The BSN pre-licensure program is 122 semester/credits.
Upon completion of all courses required, students will graduate with the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degree and are eligible to take the licensure exam. Graduation from the BSN program is distinctly different from passing the NCLEX-RN® exam. The Florida Board of Nursing will award a Registered Nurse (RN) license upon successfully passing the NCLEX-RN® and satisfactorily meeting all other Florida Board of Nursing licensure requirements.
As a Registered Nurse (RN), you can work in a variety of different environments. You have the choice to work directly or indirectly with patients. An example of the different settings an RN may work in includes physician offices, urgent care, clinics, schools, ambulatory surgery centers, hospitals, insurance companies, home health, hospice, just to name a few. You can choose to work in a high paced environment with sick patients or work in a slower type of work environment such as a physician’s office. You have the option to work with babies, young children, or adults. Nursing is a profession that is constantly evolving and offers many opportunities for you to find your niche. The choice is yours.
The BSN program application is located at the Nursing Centralized Application Services (NursingCAS) website.
Step 1: Students need to create a NursingCAS account at www.nursingcas.org. Minimal fee required.
Step 2: Once the NursingCAS account is created, students can log in and complete the information and required forms.
The Bachelor of Science in Nursing Program is a 4-year bachelor degree program in 2 stages:
Webber International University makes every effort to keep costs at a minimum while maintaining a high level of instruction and adequate facilities.
The BSN program admits two (2) cohorts of 24 students each academic year during the Fall and Spring semesters.
Candidates are required to complete specific criteria prior to applying to the Nursing program.
If you have questions or concerns or would like to contact the program directly please contact:
Jenafer Garcia, MSN, APRN, FNP-C
Nursing Program Director
Webber International University
(863) 638-1431 x 2922
Shannon Lender, RN, MSN, NE
Clinical Coordinator
Webber International University
(863) 638-1431 x 2922
Qualified candidates must complete the ATI Test of Essential Academic Skill (TEAS) examination to be considered for the BSN program. Qualified candidates must attend a face-to-face interview. The BSN program will notify accepted candidates by email after the application process is completed.
Transfer Credits
The acceptance and evaluation of credit for transfer is based on various factors, including: the level, content, quality, comparability,
and degree program relevance of the proposed transfer credits; the institution’s accreditation; and assessment of course equivalency
through evaluation of the transcript. Transfer credits are accepted from Regionally Accredited Institutions for appropriate courses which
will pertain to the declared degree at Webber International University (Webber).
Application Deadlines
The Program operates on a rolling admission plan and will accept applications on a first-come-first-qualified basis. Documents received after June 1 may not be acceptable for any given Fall term. Documents received after October 31 may not be acceptable for any given Spring term.
When all 24 seats for any given class are assigned, the remaining applicants will be placed on the roster for the next cohort available and will receive notification of her/his admission status.
Once the student receives notification of acceptance into the BSN Program, the student is required to complete the following requirements by a designated date. These requirements need to be updated by the students every year.
Immunization and communicable disease screenings·
Physical Examination
Cannot be older than one year. Required annually.
Drug Screening test (12 panel)
This test must be within 30 days PRIOR to the starting date in the program. Screening tests not complying with this guideline will not be accepted and your admission into the program will be rescinded. The BSN program will require students to complete additional drug screening test as needed during the program.
Must be completed within 30 days prior to the starting date and renewed prior to expiration date.
Background Check
Before clinical rotation as required by clinical site and as indicated by BSN program. Be aware that a background check containing misdemeanor and/or felony conviction(s) related to violence or abuse are grounds for rescinding your admission into the program.
Before clinical rotation as required by clinical site and as indicated by BSN program.
Fingerprinting needs to be completed within 30 days prior to the starting date in the program.
The ATI TEAS test is a timed entrance exam given to prospective nursing students for entry into a nursing program. The TEAS consists of four different areas: Science, Math, Reading, and English and Language usage.
The TEAS test is a difficult exam. You want to be properly prepared for the exam to boost your chances of success. Timing is the most difficult with students not being prepared to pace themselves and they end up running out of time before the test is over.
You want to prepare by understanding what is on each of the four different areas of the test, focusing on the areas that you struggle with the most. There are several resources to help you including a study guide and practice tests.
Nursing programs utilize simulation in to teach students the concepts related to the care of patients. The mannequins are computerized and programmed to display a variety of patient situations.
By imitating real-world scenarios, students engage in realistic patient encounters learning necessary clinical skills without putting real-life patients at risk. A controlled, monitored environment is available for the simulation scenarios. The instructor can offer constructive feedback during debriefing sessions following each simulation.
One of the most usual questions about nursing school is if you can continue to work and/or play a sport while enrolled in the program. Learning to balance school and work is a challenge many students face.
Many student nurses must work full or part-time while in nursing school due to financial obligations, however, this can be difficult to do. Maintaining the minimum grade requirements and attending clinical while working or playing a sport is extremely challenging.
For working students, time management and scheduling are imperative. Once students complete the nursing program, they will take the NCLEX exam, which takes dedication.